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There are 19 words containing HELV

BOOKSHELVESbookshelves n. Plural of bookshelf.
BOOKSHELF n. a shelf for books.
HELVEhelve n. The handle or haft of a tool or weapon.
helve n. A forge hammer lifted by a cam acting on the helve between the fulcrum and the head.
helve v. (Transitive) To furnish (An axe, etc.) with a helve.
HELVEDhelved v. Simple past tense and past participle of helve.
HELVE v. to provide with a handle.
HELVEShelves n. Plural of helve.
HELVE v. to provide with a handle.
HELVETIUMhelvetium n. Proposed name for the chemical element astatine.
HELVETIUM n. a superseded name for the element astatine.
HELVETIUMSHELVETIUM n. a superseded name for the element astatine.
HELVINGhelving v. Present participle of helve.
HELVE v. to provide with a handle.
MANTELSHELVESmantelshelves n. Plural of mantelshelf.
MANTELSHELF n. the ornamental shelf over a fireplace.
SHELVEshelve v. (Transitive) To place on a shelf.
shelve v. (Transitive) To set aside; to quit or postpone.
shelve v. To furnish with shelves.
SHELVEDshelved v. Simple past tense and past participle of shelve.
shelved adj. (Not comparable) Of or pertaining to a shelving; having shelves.
shelved adj. Postponed or put aside indefinitely.
SHELVERshelver n. One who or that which shelves something.
SHELVER n. a person employed to tilt and unload carts.
SHELVERSshelvers n. Plural of shelver.
SHELVER n. a person employed to tilt and unload carts.
SHELVESshelves n. Plural of shelf.
shelves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shelve.
SHELVE v. to place on a shelf; to postpone.
SHELVIERSHELVY adj. having sandbanks, overhanging, also SHELFY.
SHELVIESTSHELVY adj. having sandbanks, overhanging, also SHELFY.
SHELVINGshelving adj. Sloping steeply.
shelving v. Present participle of shelve.
shelving n. Shelves collectively.
SHELVINGSshelvings n. Plural of shelving.
SHELVING n. material for shelves.
SHELVYshelvy adj. (Of rock, ice, etc.) Having shelves.
shelvy adj. Sloping; shallow.
SHELVY adj. having sandbanks, overhanging, also SHELFY.
THELVESTHELF n. (Spenser) the elf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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