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There are 15 words containing HEIN

GEGENSCHEINgegenschein n. (Astronomy) A faint brightening of the night sky in the region of the ecliptic directly opposite the Sun.
GEGENSCHEIN n. (German) a faint oval patch of light directly opposite the sun in the night sky, caused by reflection of sunlight by dust particles.
GEGENSCHEINSgegenscheins n. Plural of gegenschein.
GEGENSCHEIN n. (German) a faint oval patch of light directly opposite the sun in the night sky, caused by reflection of sunlight by dust particles.
HEINIEheinie n. (US, slang) The buttocks.
Heinie prop.n. (US) A diminutive form of Heinrich, or its English cognate Henry, sometimes applied to a person of (real…
Heinie n. (US, slang) A German, especially a German soldier.
HEINIESheinies n. Plural of heinie.
Heinies n. Plural of Heinie.
HEINIE n. the buttocks.
HEINOUSheinous adj. Totally reprehensible.
HEINOUS adj. very wicked.
HEINOUSLYheinously adv. In a heinous manner.
HEINOUS adv. very wicked.
HEINOUSNESSheinousness n. The property of being heinous.
HEINOUSNESS n. hateful or shocking evil.
HEINOUSNESSESheinousnesses n. Plural of heinousness.
HEINOUSNESS n. hateful or shocking evil.
PROCHEINprochein adj. (Law, obsolete) Next; nearest.
PROCHEIN adj. (French) nearest in time, relation or degree, also PROCHAIN.
THEINthein n. Alternative spelling of theine.
thein n. Obsolete form of thane.
Thein prop.n. A surname.
THEINEtheine n. (Organic chemistry) Caffeine when present in tea.
theine n. Obsolete form of thane.
THEINE n. an alkaloid found in tea, identical to caffeine, also THEIN.
THEINEStheines n. Plural of theine.
THEINE n. an alkaloid found in tea, identical to caffeine, also THEIN.
THEINStheins n. Plural of thein.
Theins prop.n. Plural of Thein.
THEIN n. caffeine, also THEINE.
XANTHEINxanthein n. (Chemistry) The water-soluble part of the yellow carotenoid pigment present in the cell sap of some plants.
XANTHEIN n. a soluble yellow colouring.
XANTHEINSxantheins n. Plural of xanthein.
XANTHEIN n. a soluble yellow colouring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 166 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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