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There are 14 nine-letter words containing HLIN

BAUCHLINGbauchling v. Present participle of bauchle.
BAUCHLE v. (Scots) to make shapeless, bungle.
CATCHLINEcatchline n. A short line of text designed to catch the eye, especially one used as an advertising slogan.
catchline n. (Printing) A temporary note at the top of a page or galley proof to identify it.
CATCHLINE n. a slogan, esp. in advertising or politics.
COACHLINEcoachline n. A company that operates a fleet of coaches (passenger vehicles).
coachline n. (Automotive) A decorative horizontal line running along the sides of a motor vehicle.
COACHLINE n. a decorative line along the body of a motor vehicle.
EARTHLINGearthling n. (Obsolete except historical) One who tills the earth; a farmer, a husbandman, a ploughman.
earthling n. Alternative letter-case form of Earthling.
Earthling n. An inhabitant of Earth, as opposed to one of heaven.
FISHLINESfishlines n. Plural of fishline.
FISHLINE n. a line used in fishing.
FLESHLINGfleshling n. (Fantasy, derogatory) A creature made of flesh; a human being.
fleshling n. (Obsolete) A person devoted to sensual pursuits.
FLESHLING n. a sensualist.
GIRTHLINEgirthline n. The circumference of an animal, measured under the belly and over the back; the part of the animal over…
girthline n. A real or imaginary line around the girth of something.
girthline n. A rope or cable that attaches around the girth of something.
HATCHLINGhatchling n. A newly hatched bird, reptile or other animal that has emerged from an egg.
HATCHLING n. a creature just hatched.
LAUGHLINElaughline n. Alternative form of laugh line.
laugh␣line n. (Usually in the plural) Either of the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
LAUGHLINE n. a funny line in a dialogue.
MONTHLINGmonthling n. A child, or young animal, that is one month old.
monthling n. (Archaic) Something that lasts for a month.
monthling adv. (Archaic) Once a month: in every month.
PUNCHLINEpunchline n. Alternative spelling of punch line.
punch␣line n. The final part of a joke; the word, sentence, or exchange of sentences that is intended to be funny…
punch␣line n. (By extension) A final, concluding statement that an explanation has been leading up to; a conclusion.
TOUCHLINEtouchline n. (Sports) One of the lines that mark the border limits of the pitch. Used in rugby union, rugby league…
touch␣line n. Alternative form of touchline.
TOUCHLINE n. either of the lines marking the side boundary in football, etc.
VETCHLINGvetchling n. A leguminous climbing plant, notably…
VETCHLING n. any small leguminous plant of the genus Lathyrus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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