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There are 9 eight-letter words containing HUMO

HUMOGENSHUMOGEN n. a fertilizer composed of peat treated with a culture of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
HUMORESKHUMORESK n. a musical caprice, also HUMORESQUE.
HUMORFULhumorful adj. Humorous; comical.
HUMORFUL adj. full of humor, also HUMOURFUL.
HUMORINGhumoring v. Present participle of humor.
HUMOR v. to humour, also HUMOUR.
HUMORISThumorist n. (Medicine, now rare, historical) Someone who believes that health and temperament are determined by…
humorist n. (Obsolete) Someone subject to whims or fancies; an eccentric.
humorist n. A humorous or witty person, especially someone skilled in humorous writing or performance.
HUMOROUShumorous adj. Full of humor or arousing laughter; funny.
humorous adj. Showing humor; witty, jocular.
humorous adj. (Obsolete) Damp or watery.
HUMOUREDhumoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of humour.
humoured adj. (In compounds) Having a disposition or mood of a specified kind.
humoured adj. Spoilt. indulged.
HUMOUSESHUMOUS n. a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil.
OUTHUMORouthumor v. (Transitive) To surpass in humor; to be funnier than.
OUTHUMOR v. to surpass in humoring, also OUTHUMOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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