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There are 15 eight-letter words containing HUMA

EXHUMATEexhumate v. (Obsolete) To exhume; to disinter.
EXHUMATE v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUME.
HUMANELYhumanely adv. In a humane way.
HUMANE adv. compassionate.
HUMANESThumanest adj. Superlative form of humane: most humane.
HUMANE adj. compassionate.
HUMANISEhumanise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of humanize.
HUMANISE v. to make human, also HUMANIZE.
HUMANISMhumanism n. The study of the humanities or the liberal arts; literary (especially classical) scholarship.
humanism n. (Historical, often capitalized) Specifically, a cultural and intellectual movement in 14th-16th century…
humanism n. An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and…
HUMANISThumanist n. A scholar of one of the subjects in the humanities.
humanist n. A person who believes in the philosophy of humanism.
humanist n. (Historical) In the Renaissance, a scholar of Greek and Roman classics.
HUMANITYhumanity n. Humankind; human beings as a group.
humanity n. The human condition or nature.
humanity n. The quality of being benevolent; humane traits of character; humane qualities or aspects.
HUMANIZEhumanize v. (Transitive) To make human; to give or cause to have the fundamental properties of a human.
humanize v. (Transitive) To make sympathetic or relatable.
humanize v. (Intransitive) To become humane or civilized.
HUMANOIDhumanoid adj. Having the appearance or characteristics of a human; being anthropomorphic under some criteria (Physical…
humanoid n. A being having the appearance or characteristics of a human.
HUMANOID n. something having human form.
INHUMANEinhumane adj. Alternative form of inhuman: lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind.
INHUMANE adj. not humane.
INHUMATEinhumate v. To inhume; to bury.
INHUMATE v. to bury, also INHUME.
NONHUMANnonhuman adj. Not human; not of the human race.
nonhuman n. A creature or thing that is not human.
non-human adj. Alternative spelling of nonhuman.
PANHUMANpanhuman adj. Applying to all human beings.
PANHUMAN adj. pertaining to all humanity.
PREHUMANprehuman adj. Preceding the advent of modern humanity, Homo sapiens.
prehuman n. One of the human-like creatures prior to Homo sapiens.
PREHUMAN n. a prototype of man.
SUBHUMANsubhuman adj. Less than human; lacking characteristics of a human.
subhuman n. Anything which is less than human.
SUBHUMAN n. one that is less than human.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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