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There are 16 eight-letter words containing HORA

AMPHORAEamphorae n. Plural of amphora.
AMPHORA n. (Latin) a two-handled jar.
AMPHORALamphoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the shape of an amphora.
AMPHORAL adj. relating to an amphora.
AMPHORASamphoras n. Plural of amphora.
AMPHORA n. (Latin) a two-handled jar.
ANAPHORAanaphora n. (Rhetoric) The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of phrases, sentences, or verses, used for emphasis.
anaphora n. (Linguistics) An expression that can refer to virtually any referent, the specific referent being defined by context.
anaphora n. (Linguistics) An expression that refers to a preceding expression.
CHORAGICchoragic adj. Of or pertaining to a choragus.
CHORAGIC adj. relating to a choragus.
CHORAGUSchoragus n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A chorus leader, especially one who provided at his own expense and under…
CHORAGUS n. (Latin) a leader of a choir, also CHOREGUS.
CHORALESchorales n. Plural of chorale.
CHORALE n. a simple harmonized composition with slow rhythm; a psalm or hymn tune, also CHORAL.
CHORALLYchorally adv. In a choral manner; as a choir.
CHORAL adv. relating to a choir.
EPHORATEephorate n. The office of an ephor; ephors collectively.
EPHORATE n. the office of ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta.
PHORATESPHORATE n. an insecticide.
PLETHORAplethora n. (Usually followed by of) An excessive amount or number; an abundance.
plethora n. (Medicine) Excess of blood in the skin, especially in the face and especially chronically.
PLETHORA n. (Greek) an excess, a superfluity.
SENHORASSENHORA n. (Spanish) a married Portuguese or Brazilian woman.
THORACALthoracal adj. Thoracic.
THORACAL adj. relating to a thorax.
THORACESthoraces n. Plural of thorax.
THORAX n. (Greek) the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen.
THORACICthoracic adj. (Anatomy) Of the thorax.
thoracic n. (Zoology) One of a group of fishes having the ventral fins placed beneath the thorax or beneath the pectoral fins.
THORACIC adj. of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest, also THORACAL.
THORAXESthoraxes n. Plural of thorax.
THORAX n. (Greek) the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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