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There are 16 eight-letter words containing HIND

CHINDITSChindits n. Plural of Chindit.
CHINDIT n. (Burmese) an Allied fighter behind the Japanese lines in Burma.
HINDCASThindcast n. (Mathematics) A test of a mathematical model by using data from a past event.
hindcast v. To test a mathematical model by using data from a past event.
HINDCAST v. to test a mathematical model by inputting known or closely estimated data for past events to see how well the output matches the known results.
HINDEREDhindered v. Simple past tense and past participle of hinder.
HINDER v. to impede.
HINDERERhinderer n. One who, or that which, hinders.
Hinderer prop.n. A surname from German.
HINDERER n. one who hinders.
HINDFEEThindfeet n. Plural of hindfoot.
HINDFOOT n. a rear foot.
HINDFOOThindfoot n. A rear foot.
HINDFOOT n. a rear foot.
HINDGUTShindguts n. Plural of hindgut.
HINDGUT n. the rear part of the alimentary canal.
HINDHEADhindhead n. (Zoology) The rear part of the head.
HINDHEAD n. the back of the head.
HINDLEGShindlegs n. Plural of hindleg.
hind␣legs n. Plural of hind leg.
HINDLEG n. a rear leg.
HINDMILKhindmilk n. The milk secreted during the later part of breastfeeding, typically high in fat and low in protein.
HINDMILK n. breast milk exuded after the first part of a feeding.
HINDMOSThindmost adj. Superlative form of hind: most hind.
HINDMOST adj. farthest to the rear, also HINDERMOST.
HINDWARDhindward adv. Toward the posterior extremity.
hindward adj. Posterior; in the rear.
HINDWARD adv. towards the rear.
HINDWINGhindwing n. Alternative spelling of hind wing.
hind␣wing n. (Entomology, in an insect with two pairs of wings) Either member of the pair of wings closer to the tail.
HINDWING n. a rear wing.
SHINDIESshindies n. Plural of shindy.
SHINDY n. a commotion, uproar.
SHINDIGSshindigs n. Plural of shindig.
SHINDIG n. a lively noisy gathering.
THINDOWNTHINDOWN n. a lessening of the number of atomic particles in the air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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