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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing HIAS

CHECHIASchechias n. Plural of chechia.
CHECHIA n. (French) a cylindrical skullcap, worn by Arabs and adopted by French troops in North Africa.
CHIASMALchiasmal adj. Relating to chiasma.
chiasmal adj. Relating to chiasmus.
CHIASMAL adj. pertaining to a chiasm.
CHIASMASchiasmas n. Plural of chiasma.
CHIASMA n. (Greek) a connection formed during meiosis, also CHIASM.
CHIASMICchiasmic adj. Relating to chiasma.
chiasmic adj. Relating to chiasmus.
CHIASMIC adj. relating to chiasmus, the inversion of order of corresponding elements of two parallel phrases, also CHIASTIC.
CHIASMUSchiasmus n. (Rhetoric) An inversion of the relationship between the elements of phrases.
Chiasmus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cicadellidae – certain leafhoppers.
CHIASMUS n. (Greek) the inversion of the order of corresponding elements of two parallel phrases, as 'do not live to eat but eat to live'.
CHIASTICchiastic adj. Pertaining to chiasmus.
chiastic adj. (By extension) Pertaining to the position of two things relative to one another.
CHIASTIC adj. relating to chiasmus, the inversion of order of corresponding elements of two parallel phrases, also CHIASMIC.
MORPHIASmorphias n. Plural of morphia.
MORPHIA n. a painkilling drug, derived from opium.
ONYCHIASonychias n. Plural of onychia.
ONYCHIA n. (Greek) inflammation of the root or side of the nail, aka whitlow.
PENTHIASPENTHIA n. (Spenser) another name for the unidentified plant astrophel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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