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There are 14 eight-letter words containing HERB

COWHERBSCOWHERB n. a European flowering plant related to the carnation.
HERBAGEDherbaged adj. Covered with grass.
HERBAGED adj. covered with grass.
HERBAGESherbages n. Plural of herbage.
HERBAGE n. herbs collectively.
HERBARIAherbaria n. Plural of herbarium.
HERBARIUM n. a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
HERBELETherbelet n. Alternative form of herblet.
HERBELET n. (Shakespeare) a small herb, also HERBLET.
HERBIESTherbiest adj. Superlative form of herby: most herby.
HERBY adj. abounding with herbs.
HERBISTSherbists n. Plural of herbist.
HERBIST n. a person who practises herbalism, also HERBALIST.
HERBLESSherbless adj. Destitute of herbs or vegetation.
herbless adj. (Cooking) Having no herbs as ingredients.
HERBLESS adj. destitute of herbs or of vegetation.
HERBLETSherblets n. Plural of herblet.
HERBLET n. (Shakespeare) a small herb, also HERBELET.
HERBLIKEherblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a herb.
HERBLIKE adj. like a herb.
POTHERBSpotherbs n. Plural of potherb.
POTHERB n. any herb used as a seasoning.
SHERBERTsherbert n. (Chiefly US, sometimes proscribed) Alternative spelling of sherbet (“food of frozen fruit juice with…
Sherbert prop.n. A surname.
SHERBERT n. (Arabic) a frozen fruit-flavored mixture, also SHERBET.
SHERBETSsherbets n. Plural of sherbet.
SHERBET n. (Arabic) a frozen fruit-flavored mixture, also SHERBERT.
THERBLIGtherblig n. (Time and motion study) Any of a set of fundamental motions required for a worker to perform a manual operation.
THERBLIG n. a unit of work for quantifying industrial operations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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