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There are 12 seven-letter words containing HORE

ASTHOREasthore n. Treasure (as a term of endearment).
ASTHORE n. (Irish) darling.
BEWHOREbewhore v. (Transitive) To make a whore of; prostitute; treat as a whore.
bewhore v. (Transitive, archaic) To call or pronounce a whore.
BEWHORE v. (Shakespeare) to call someone a whore.
CHOREALchoreal adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting chorea.
CHOREAL adj. relating to chorea.
CHOREASchoreas n. Plural of chorea.
CHOREA n. (Greek) St Vitus's dance; a disease attended with convulsive twitchings and other involuntary movements of the muscles or limbs.
CHOREESchorees n. Plural of choree.
CHOREE n. (Greek) a trochee, also CHOREUS.
CHOREGIchoregi n. Plural of choregus.
CHOREGUS n. (Latin) a leader of a choir, also CHORAGUS.
CHOREICchoreic adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting chorea.
choreic n. One who has chorea.
CHOREIC adj. relating to chorea.
CHOREUSchoreus n. (Prosody) A trochee.
choreus n. (Prosody) A tribrach.
CHOREUS n. (Greek) a trochee, also CHOREE.
INSHOREinshore adj. Close to (especially in sight of) a shore.
inshore adj. (Of a wind) Blowing from the sea to the land.
inshore adv. Near the shore.
ONSHOREonshore adj. Moving from the sea towards the land.
onshore adj. Positioned on or near the shore.
onshore adj. Within the country; not overseas.
PHORESYphoresy n. (Zoology) An association between two organisms in which one (e.g. a mite) travels on the body of another…
PHORESY n. a symbiotic relationship between some arthropods and fishes.
SHORERSshorers n. Plural of shorer.
SHORER n. one who props up things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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