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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 7 seven-letter words containing HISM

MYTHISMmythism n. Myths generally; belief in myth.
MYTHISM n. a theory that explains miraculous stories as myths, also MYTHICISM.
ORPHISMOrphism prop.n. (Religion, Ancient Greece) A religious movement in antiquity, supposed to have been founded by Orpheus.
Orphism prop.n. (Art) A minor Cubist art movement focusing on pure abstraction and bright colours.
ORPHISM n. a style of abstract art.
SCHISMAschisma n. (Music) A very small interval equal to half a comma.
SCHISMA n. (Greek) in music, an interval equal to half the difference between twelve perfect fifths and seven octaves.
SCHISMSschisms n. Plural of schism.
SCHISM n. a division of unity.
SOPHISMsophism n. (Uncountable, historical) The school of the sophists in antiquity; their beliefs and method of teaching…
sophism n. (Countable) A flawed argument, superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive.
sophism n. (Countable) An intentional fallacy.
TACHISMtachism n. A French style of abstract painting popular in the 1940s and 1950s.
TACHISM n. (French) a type of abstract painting, also TACHISME.
TYCHISMtychism n. A theory suggesting that absolute chance, or indeterminism, is a real factor operative in the universe.
TYCHISM n. the theory that objective account must be taken of the element of chance in philosophical etc. reasoning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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