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There are 14 seven-letter words containing HERO

CHEROOTcheroot n. A cigar with square-cut ends.
CHEROOT n. (Tamil) a square-cut cigar, also SHEROOT.
HEROICSheroics n. The actions of a hero.
heroics n. (US, medicine) Emergency intervention to save a patient’s life.
heroics n. (Dated) Extravagant phrases; bombast.
HEROINEheroine n. A female hero.
heroine n. A female lead character.
HEROINE n. a brave woman.
HEROINSheroins n. Plural of heroin.
HEROIN n. an addictive narcotic.
HEROISEheroise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of heroize.
HEROISE v. to make heroic, also HEROIZE.
HEROISMheroism n. The qualities characteristic of a hero, such as courage, bravery, fortitude, selflessness, etc.; the…
HEROISM n. heroic behaviour.
HEROIZEheroize v. (Transitive) To make someone into a hero.
heroize v. (Transitive) To treat someone as if they were a hero.
HEROIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROISE.
HERONRYheronry n. A breeding woodland for herons; a heron rookery.
HERONRY n. a breeding place for herons.
HEROONSheroons n. Plural of heroon.
HEROON n. (Greek) a temple to a hero; a temple-shaped tomb.
NONHEROnonhero n. A character, especially a protagonist, who is not a hero.
NONHERO n. one who is not a hero.
SHEROESsheroes n. Plural of shero.
SHERO n. a woman regarded as a hero.
SHEROOTsheroot n. Alternative form of cheroot.
SHEROOT n. (Tamil) a square-cut cigar, also CHEROOT.
THEROIDtheroid adj. Bestial, resembling an animal.
theroid adj. Obsolete spelling of thyroid.
THEROID adj. resembling a beast.
TOHEROAtoheroa n. (New Zealand) Paphies ventricosa, a large edible bivalve mollusc endemic to New Zealand.
TOHEROA n. (Maori) a kind of New Zealand shellfish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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