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There are 9 seven-letter words containing HERM

BIOHERMbioherm n. (Geology) A massive, unlayered, mound-shape body in discordant relationship to the surrounding layered…
bioherm n. (Geology) A mass of rock constructed from the remains of marine organisms such as coral or algae.
BIOHERM n. a mound of material laid down by sedentary marine organisms, esp. a coral reef.
HERMITShermits n. Plural of hermit.
HERMIT n. a recluse.
THERMAEthermae n. Springs or baths of warm or hot water.
THERMAE n. (Latin) hot springs or baths, esp. in ancient Rome.
THERMALthermal adj. Pertaining to heat or temperature.
thermal adj. (Fabric) Providing efficient insulation so as to keep the body warm.
thermal adj. Caused or brought about by heat.
THERMELthermel n. (Dated) A thermocouple.
THERMEL n. a device for temperature measurement.
THERMESTHERME n. a unit of quantity of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units, also THERM.
THERMICthermic adj. Of, related to, or associated with heat; thermal.
-thermic suff. Relating to heat or temperatures.
THERMIC adj. of or by heat, also THERMICAL.
THERMITthermit n. Alternative spelling of thermite.
THERMIT n. a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited, also THERMITE.
THERMOSthermos n. A bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls; designed…
thermos n. (Historical) A unit of measure whose identification remains very unclear.
THERMOS n. (tradename) a container used to keep food or drink hot or cold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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