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There are 14 seven-letter words containing HERI

CHERISHcherish v. To treat with affection, care, and tenderness; to nurture or protect with care.
cherish v. To have a deep appreciation of; to hold dear.
cherish v. (Obsolete) To cheer, to gladden.
ETHERICetheric adj. Of or pertaining to the ether (all-pervading medium); composed of ether; inhabiting the ether.
HERIOTSheriots n. Plural of heriot.
HERIOT n. (historical) a payment to a feudal lord upon the death of a tenant farmer.
HERISSEHERISSE adj. (French) in heraldry, bristled.
HERITORheritor n. A person who inherits; an heir or heiress.
heritor n. (Law, Scotland) A proprietor or landholder in a parish.
HERITOR n. a proprietor or landholder in a parish.
INHERITinherit v. (Transitive) To take possession of as a right (especially in Biblical translations).
inherit v. (Transitive) To receive (Property, a title, etc.), by legal succession or bequest after the previous owner’s death.
inherit v. (Transitive, biology) To receive a characteristic from one’s ancestors by genetic transmission.
KACHERIkacheri n. Alternative form of kachcheri.
KACHERI n. (Hindi) an Indian magistrate's office or courthouse, also CUTCHERRY, CUTCHERY, KACHAHRI.
SHERIASSHERIA n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHARIAT, SHERIAT.
SHERIATsheriat n. Archaic form of shari’a.
SHERIAT n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHARIAT, SHERIA.
SHERIFFsheriff n. (Britain, except Scotland) (High Sheriff) An official of a shire or county office, responsible for carrying…
sheriff n. (Scotland) A judge in the sheriff court, the court of a county or sheriffdom.
sheriff n. (US) A government official, usually responsible for law enforcement in their county and for administration…
SHERIFSsherifs n. Plural of sherif.
Sherifs prop.n. Plural of Sherif.
SHERIF n. (Arabic) a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, also SHARIF, SHEREEF.
SPHERICspheric adj. Spherical.
spheric adj. Of or relating to the heavenly orbs, or to the sphere or spheres in which, according to ancient astronomy…
spheric n. Alternative form of sferic.
THERIACtheriac n. (Historical medicine) A universal antidote against all poisons, particularly medicines considered to…
theriac n. (Figurative) Synonym of panacea.
theriac n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of antidote, particularly (pseudoscience) those incorporating snakemeat to cure snakebite.
THERIANtherian adj. Of or pertaining to the taxonomic subclass Theria.
therian n. Any member of the taxonomic subclass Theria, the placental and marsupial mammals.
therian n. (Furry fandom slang) Clipping of therianthrope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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