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There are 13 six-letter words containing HERE

ADHEREadhere v. (Intransitive) To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united.
adhere v. (Intransitive, figurative) To be attached or devoted by personal union, in belief, on principle, etc.
adhere v. (Intransitive, figurative) To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree.
COHEREcohere v. (Intransitive) To stick together physically, by adhesion.
cohere v. (Intransitive, figurative) To be consistent as part of a group, or by common purpose.
cohere v. (Transitive, figurative) To be consistent as part of a group, or by common purpose.
HEREAThereat adv. At this time; upon this event.
hereat adv. At this; because of this. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
HEREAT adj. at this time.
HEREBYhereby adv. (Obsolete) Near this place; nearby.
hereby adv. (Formal) By this means, action or process.
HEREBY adj. not far off.
HEREINherein adv. In this; within this content, context, or thing.
HEREIN adv. contained in this.
HEREOFhereof adv. Of this; concerning this.
hereof adv. From or as a result of this.
HEREOF adv. concerning this.
HEREONhereon adv. On this place.
hereon adv. To this place.
hereon adv. On this subject or basis.
HERESYheresy n. (Religion) a doctrine held by a member of a religion at variance with established religious beliefs.
heresy n. (By extension) A controversial or unorthodox opinion held by a member of a group, as in politics, philosophy…
HERESY n. a belief contrary to church doctrine.
HERETOhereto adv. (Archaic) To here; to this.
hereto adv. (Archaic) Yet; so far.
hereto adv. (Archaic) Regarding this subject.
INHEREinhere v. To be inherent; to be an essential or intrinsic part of; to be fixed or permanently incorporated with something.
INHERE v. to be an essential characteristic.
SPHEREsphere n. (Mathematics) A regular three-dimensional object in which every cross-section is a circle; the figure…
sphere n. A spherical physical object; a globe or ball.
sphere n. (Astronomy, now rare) The apparent outer limit of space; the edge of the heavens, imagined as a hollow…
THEREStheres n. Plural of there.
theres cont. (Informal) There is; there’s.
there's cont. Contraction of there is.
WHERESwheres n. Plural of where.
where's cont. Contraction of where is.
where's cont. Contraction of where has.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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