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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing HERN

CHERNOZEMICchernozemic adj. (Soil science) Being or containing chernozem.
Chernozemic adj. Of or pertaining to an order of soils with chernozemic characteristics.
CHERNOZEMIC adj. of or like chernozem.
HERNIATIONSherniations n. Plural of herniation.
HERNIATION n. the state of being herniated.
LEATHERNECKleatherneck n. (Slang) A soldier.
leatherneck n. (US) Specifically, a marine.
LEATHERNECK n. a member of the United States Marine Corps.
NORTHERNERSnortherners n. Plural of northerner.
Northerners n. Plural of Northerner.
NORTHERNER n. one born or living in the north.
NORTHERNISEnorthernise v. Alternative spelling of northernize.
NORTHERNISE v. to make northern, also NORTHERNIZE.
NORTHERNISMnorthernism n. Anything characteristic of the northern part of a region.
NORTHERNISM n. a northern expression.
NORTHERNIZEnorthernize v. To make something northern in character.
NORTHERNIZE v. to make northern, also NORTHERNISE.
OTHERNESSESothernesses n. Plural of otherness.
OTHERNESS n. the state of being other.
SOUTHERNERSsoutherners n. Plural of southerner.
Southerners n. Plural of Southerner.
SOUTHERNER n. an inhabitant or native of the south, esp. of the southern States of North America.
SOUTHERNISEsouthernise v. Alternative spelling of southernize.
SOUTHERNISE v. to make southern, also SOUTHERNIZE.
SOUTHERNISMsouthernism n. Anything characteristic of the southern part of a region, especially the southern United States.
southernism n. A word or phrase (a dialectism) from Southern American English.
SOUTHERNISM n. a southern expression.
SOUTHERNIZEsouthernize v. (Transitive) To make southern in character.
southernize v. (Intransitive) To become southern in character.
SOUTHERNIZE v. to make southern, also SOUTHERNISE.
TSCHERNOSEMtschernosem n. Alternative form of chernozem.
TSCHERNOSEM n. (Russian) a very fertile soil of subhumid steppe, also CHERNOZEM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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