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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing HIAS

AMPHIASTERamphiaster n. (Biology) The achromatic figure, formed in mitotic cell division, consisting of two asters connected…
AMPHIASTER n. the structure that occurs in a cell undergoing mitosis, consisting of a spindle with an aster at each end.
CAPOCCHIASCAPOCCHIA n. (Shakespeare) a simpleton, also CHIPOCHIA.
CHIASMATICchiasmatic adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the optic chiasma.
chiasmatic adj. (Genetics) Relating to or characterized by a chiasma (the contact point between the two chromatids of…
CHIASMATIC adj. relating to chiasma.
CHIPOCHIASCHIPOCHIA n. (Shakespeare) a simpleton, also CAPOCCHIA.
CLERUCHIAScleruchias n. Plural of cleruchia.
CLERUCHIA n. an allotment of land in a foreign territory made to a citizen of Athens, also CLERUCHY.
EUCRYPHIASeucryphias n. Plural of eucryphia.
EUCRYPHIA n. a tree or shrub of the mostly evergreen genus Eucryphia.
FORSYTHIASforsythias n. Plural of forsythia.
FORSYTHIA n. any shrub of the genus Forsythia, a popular garden plant producing clusters of yellow jasmine-like flowers in the spring.
MALPIGHIASmalpighias n. Plural of malpighia.
MALPIGHIA n. the Barbados cherry genus of tropical American trees, shrubs, and lianes.
NAUMACHIASnaumachias n. Plural of naumachia.
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
TRICHIASEStrichiases n. Plural of trichiasis.
TRICHIASIS n. a disease of the eye, in which the eyelashes, being turned in upon the eyeball, produce constant irritation by the motion of the lids.
TRICHIASIStrichiasis n. (Medicine) Ingrown eyelash.
TRICHIASIS n. a disease of the eye, in which the eyelashes, being turned in upon the eyeball, produce constant irritation by the motion of the lids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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