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There are 7 ten-letter words containing HERN

CHERNOZEMSchernozems n. Plural of chernozem.
CHERNOZEM n. (Russian) a very fertile soil of subhumid steppe, also TSCHERNOSEM.
HERNIATINGherniating v. Present participle of herniate.
HERNIATE v. to protrude through an abnormal body opening.
HERNIATIONherniation n. The formation of a hernia.
HERNIATION n. the state of being herniated.
HERNIOTOMYherniotomy n. (Surgery) Surgical repair of a hernia.
HERNIOTOMY n. a cutting for the cure or relief of hernia.
NORTHERNERnortherner n. A native or inhabitant of the north of a region (or of the world as a whole), such as one of the northern…
Northerner n. Alternative letter-case form of northerner.
NORTHERNER n. one born or living in the north.
SOUTHERNERsoutherner n. A native or inhabitant of the south of a region (or of the world as a whole), such as the United Kingdom.
southerner n. Alternative letter-case form of Southerner (someone from one of the southeastern United States).
Southerner n. Alternative letter-case form of southerner (native or inhabitant of the south of any region).
SOUTHERNLYsouthernly adj. Southerly, somewhat southern.
southernly adv. Southward, southerly.
southernly adv. In a Southern manner, in a way typical of a Southerner or of the South (the southern United States).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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