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There are 13 ten-letter words containing HANS

ACALEPHANSacalephans n. Plural of acalephan.
ACALEPHAN n. any cnidarian (a jellyfish), also ACALEPH, ACALEPHE.
ASTRACHANSastrachans n. Plural of astrachan.
ASTRACHAN n. a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs, also ASTRAKHAN.
ASTRAKHANSastrakhans n. Plural of astrakhan.
Astrakhans n. Plural of Astrakhan.
ASTRAKHAN n. a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs, also ASTRACHAN.
CRANACHANScranachans n. Plural of cranachan.
CRANACHAN n. a traditional Scottish dessert, usually made from a mixture of whipped cream, whisky, honey, and fresh raspberries topped with toasted oatmeal.
HANSARDISEHANSARDISE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDIZE.
HANSARDIZEHansardize v. (UK, Commonwealth, politics, dated) To confront a Member of Parliament with his former opinions as recorded…
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
HANSELLINGhanselling v. Present participle of hansel.
HANSEL v. to give a good luck gift to, also HANDSEL.
HOOLACHANSHOOLACHAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLICAN.
KHANSAMAHSkhansamahs n. Plural of khansamah.
KHANSAMAH n. (Hindi) a house-steward or butler in India, also KHANSAMA.
LEVIATHANSleviathans n. Plural of leviathan.
Leviathans n. Plural of Leviathan.
LEVIATHAN n. an (imaginary or real) aquatic animal of enormous size; anything of giant size.
PHANSIGARSphansigars n. Plural of phansigar.
PHANSIGAR n. (Hindi) formerly in India, a Thug.
SPLEUCHANSspleuchans n. Plural of spleuchan.
SPLEUCHAN n. (Gaelic) a pouch, as for tobacco.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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