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There are 16 words containing HAO

HAOhao n. A former currency unit of Vietnam, one tenth of a dong.
Hao prop.n. An atoll in French Polynesia.
Hao prop.n. A surname from Chinese.
CHAOChao prop.n. A surname from Chinese.
Chao prop.n. Zhao (state).
CHAO n. (Vietnamese) a monetary unit of Vietnam, also HAO.
HAOSHaos prop.n. Plural of Hao.
HAO n. (Vietnamese) a monetary unit of Vietnam, also CHAO.
CHAOSchaos n. The unordered state of matter in classical accounts of cosmogony.
chaos n. Any state of disorder; a confused or amorphous mixture or conglomeration.
chaos n. (Mathematics) A behaviour of iterative non-linear systems in which arbitrarily small variations in initial…
HAOMAhaoma n. (Zoroastrianism) A plant and corresponding personified divinity, Haoma.
Haoma n. (Zoroastrianism) Hypostasic divinity of the haoma plant, usually capitalized when referred to as such.
HAOMA n. a drink made from the haoma vine, used in Zoroastrian ritual, also HOM, HOMA.
HAOMAShaomas n. Plural of haoma.
HAOMA n. a drink made from the haoma vine, used in Zoroastrian ritual, also HOM, HOMA.
CHAOSESchaoses n. Plural of chaos.
CHAOS n. (Greek) a state of total disorder.
CHAOTICchaotic adj. Filled with chaos.
chaotic adj. Extremely disorganized or in disarray.
chaotic adj. (Mathematics) Highly sensitive to starting conditions, so that a small change to them may yield a very…
CHAOLOGYchaology n. (Physics, mathematics) The study of chaos and chaotic systems.
CHAOLOGY n. the study of chaos.
CHAORDICchaordic adj. Partially chaotic and partially ordered.
chaordic adj. (Of a system, process or organization) Governed by or intentionally organized around a blend of chaotic…
CHAORDIC adj. having both chaos and order.
QINGHAOSUqinghaosu n. The drug artemisinin.
QINGHAOSU n. (Chinese) a crystalline compound obtained from artemisia.
CHAOLOGIESchaologies n. Plural of chaology.
CHAOLOGY n. the study of chaos.
CHAOLOGISTchaologist n. One who studies chaology.
CHAOLOGIST n. a student of chaology, the study of chaos or chaos theory.
QINGHAOSUSQINGHAOSU n. (Chinese) a crystalline compound obtained from artemisia.
CHAOLOGISTSchaologists n. Plural of chaologist.
CHAOLOGIST n. a student of chaology, the study of chaos or chaos theory.
CHAOTICALLYchaotically adv. In a chaotic manner.
CHAOTIC adv. confused.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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