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There are 16 nine-letter words containing HOV

ANCHOVETAanchoveta n. A species of anchovy, Engraulis ringens, from the southern Pacific.
ANCHOVETA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETTA.
ANCHOVIESanchovies n. Plural of anchovy.
ANCHOVY n. a small edible Mediterranean fish of the herring family.
BEHOVEFULbehoveful adj. (Archaic) Needful or proper; beneficial; behoving.
BEHOVEFUL adj. (archaic) right, necessary.
DUCKSHOVEduckshove v. (Australia, New Zealand) To dodge responsibility; to pass something on to another so that they take the blame.
duck-shove v. Alternative form of duckshove.
DUCKSHOVE v. (Australian colloquial) to jump a queue; to cheat; to avoid responsibilities.
ECHOVIRUSechovirus n. A type of RNA virus of the species Enterovirus B of the Picornaviridae family, found in the human gastrointestinal…
ECHOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses that cause respiratory or intestinal diseases.
FLASHOVERflashover n. The near simultaneous ignition of all combustible material in an enclosed area.
flashover n. An unintended electric discharge or arc over or around an insulator.
flash␣over n. Alternative form of flashover.
HOVELLERShovellers n. Plural of hoveller.
HOVELLER n. a small coasting-vessel.
HOVELLINGhovelling n. A method of securing a good draught in chimneys by covering the top, leaving openings in the sides…
HOVEL v. to live in a wretched dwelling.
HOVERPORThoverport n. A terminal for hovercraft.
HOVERPORT n. a port for hovercraft.
PUSHOVERSpushovers n. Plural of pushover.
PUSHOVER n. an easily defeated person or team.
SHOVELERSshovelers n. Plural of shoveler.
SHOVELER n. a kind of duck with a broad shovel-shaped bill, also SHOVELLER.
SHOVELFULshovelful n. The amount that can be moved at once with a shovel.
SHOVELFUL n. as much as a shovel will hold.
SHOVELINGshoveling v. (American spelling) present participle of shovel.
shoveling n. Alternative form of shovelling.
SHOVEL v. to use a digging implement.
SHOVELLEDshovelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of shovel.
SHOVEL v. to use a digging implement.
SHOVELLERshoveller n. Alternative spelling of shoveler.
Shoveller prop.n. A surname.
SHOVELLER n. a kind of duck with a broad shovel-shaped bill, also SHOVELER.
WINDHOVERwindhover n. (Britain) The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus).
WINDHOVER n. the kestrel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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