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There are 20 nine-letter words containing HEX

CACHEXIAScachexias n. Plural of cachexia.
CACHEXIA n. general ill health, also CACHEXY.
CACHEXIEScachexies n. Plural of cachexy.
CACHEXY n. general ill health, also CACHEXIA.
HEXACHORDhexachord n. (Music) A series of six tones denoted with the syllables ut-re-mi-fa-sol-la separated by seconds, the…
HEXACHORD n. a series of six notes, with a semitone between the third and fourth, the other intervals being whole tones.
HEXADECYLhexadecyl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical derived from hexadecane.
HEXADECYL n. another name for the radical cetyl.
HEXAFOILShexafoils n. Plural of hexafoil.
HEXAFOIL n. a pattern with six leaflike lobes.
HEXAGLOTSHEXAGLOT n. a book written in six languages.
HEXAGONALhexagonal adj. (Geometry) Having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon.
hexagonal adj. (Crystallography) Having three equal axes which cross at 60° angles, and an unequal axis which crosses…
HEXAGONAL adj. having six sides and six angles.
HEXAGRAMShexagrams n. Plural of hexagram.
HEXAGRAM n. a six-pointed star.
HEXAHEDRAhexahedra n. Plural of hexahedron.
HEXAHEDRON n. a solid body of six sides or faces.
HEXAMERALhexameral adj. (Biblical) Relating to the hexameron.
HEXAMERAL adj. arranged in six groups.
HEXAMETERhexameter n. (Countable) A line in a poem having six metrical feet.
hexameter n. (Uncountable) A poetic metre in which each line has six feet.
HEXAMETER n. a verse line of six feet.
HEXAMINEShexamines n. Plural of hexamine.
HEXAMINE n. a chemical compound, used as a solid fuel.
HEXAPLOIDhexaploid adj. Having six complete sets of chromosomes in a single cell.
hexaploid n. A cell or organism that has six complete sets of chromosomes.
HEXAPLOID n. a cell having six times the ordinary number of chromosomes.
HEXAPODALhexapodal adj. Having six legs.
HEXAPODAL adj. relating to Hexapoda, insects.
HEXAPODICHEXAPODIC adj. of a line or verse, having six feet.
HEXASTICHhexastich n. A poem consisting of six verses or lines.
HEXASTICH n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICHON.
HEXASTYLEhexastyle adj. (Architecture) having six columns at the front on the portico.
hexastyle n. (Architecture) A temple or portico with six columns in front.
HEXASTYLE adj. having six columns in front.
HEXATHLONhexathlon n. (Athletics) An athletic contest comprising six events.
HEXATHLON n. an athletic contest comprising six events.
HEXYLENEShexylenes n. Plural of hexylene.
HEXYLENE n. a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon of the ethylene series, also HEXENE.
NARTHEXESnarthexes n. Plural of narthex.
NARTHEX n. (Greek) a small entrance or porch to a church.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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