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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing HEV

CHEVALETchevalet n. A rack or rest used in woodwork or glassworking.
CHEVALET n. (French) the bridge of a stringed instrument.
CHEVERELcheverel n. (Obsolete) Kid, as used to make leather.
cheverel adj. (Obsolete) Pliable as kid leather; elastic, flexible, usually with reference to someone’s conscience.
CHEVEREL n. soft, flexible, kidskin leather, also CHEVERIL.
CHEVERILcheveril n. (Obsolete) Soft leather made of kid skin.
cheveril adj. (Obsolete) Made of cheveril; pliant.
CHEVERIL n. soft, flexible, kidskin leather, also CHEVEREL.
CHEVERONcheveron n. Dated form of chevron. (V-shaped ornament)
CHEVERON n. a kid glove.
CHEVERYECHEVERYE n. (Spenser) an Irish chieftaincy, also CHIEFERY, CHIEFRY.
CHEVILLEcheville n. (Poetry) A word or phrase whose only function is to make a sentence metrically balanced.
CHEVILLE n. (French) the peg of a stringed instrument.
CHEVIOTScheviots n. Plural of cheviot.
Cheviots n. Plural of Cheviot.
CHEVIOT n. a coarse heavy plain or twilled wool or worsted.
CHEVRETSCHEVRET n. (French) a cheese made from goat's milk, also CHEVRE.
CHEVRONSchevrons n. Plural of chevron.
chevrons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chevron.
Chevrons n. (Cricket) The Zimbabwe national cricket team.
CHEVRONYchevrony adj. Having chevrons, especially (heraldry) charged with chevrons.
chevrony adj. Chevron-shaped, zigzag, especially (heraldry) chevronwise.
CHEVRONY adj. adorned with chevrons.
CHEVYINGchevying v. Present participle of chevy.
CHEVY v. to chase about, also CHIVVY, CHIVY.
DISHEVELdishevel v. (Transitive) To throw into disorder; upheave.
dishevel v. (Transitive) To disarrange or loosen (Hair, clothing, etc.).
dishevel v. (Intransitive) To spread out in disorder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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