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There are 8 seven-letter words containing HEP

HEPARINheparin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A compound occurring in the liver and other tissues which inhibits blood…
HEPARIN n. a complex substance formed in the liver that delays clotting of blood.
HEPATIChepatic adj. Of or relating to the liver.
hepatic adj. Acting on or occurring in the liver.
hepatic adj. Of a deep brownish-red color like that of liver.
HEPCATShepcats n. Plural of hepcat.
hep-cats n. Plural of hep-cat.
hep␣cats n. Plural of hep cat.
HEPPESTheppest adj. Superlative form of hep: most hep.
HEP adj. well abreast of fashionable knowledge.
HEPSTERhepster n. Dated form of hipster (“follower of the latest trends, fashions, styles, such as jazz and Bohemian culture…
HEPSTER n. (slang) one who is hep, streetwise, also HIPSTER.
HEPTADSheptads n. Plural of heptad.
HEPTAD n. a group of seven.
HEPTANEheptane n. (Organic chemistry) Any of the nine isomers of the saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon C7H16, obtained from…
HEPTANE n. a saturated hydrocarbon with seven carbon atoms, found as a constituent of petroleum or tar oil.
HEPTOSEheptose n. (Organic chemistry) A sugar or saccharide containing seven carbon atoms.
HEPTOSE n. any monosaccharide sugar with seven carbon atoms in its molecule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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