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There are 20 six-letter words containing HOM

CHOMPSchomps n. Plural of chomp.
chomps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chomp.
CHOMP v. to chew vigorously.
FATHOMfathom n. (Chiefly nautical, historical) Originally, the distance between an adult man’s arms stretched out away…
fathom n. (Figuratively).
fathom n. (Obsolete).
HOMAGEhomage n. (Countable, uncountable) A demonstration of respect, such as towards an individual after their retirement or death.
homage n. (Countable) An artistic work imitating another in a flattering style.
homage n. (Historical) In feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to honor his or her lord’s rights.
HOMBREhombre n. (Chiefly US, in Spanish-speaking contexts, slang) A man, a chap, a guy; especially a Hispanic or Spanish man.
HOMBRE n. (Spanish) a fellow.
HOMELYhomely adj. Characteristic of, belonging to, or befitting a home; domestic, cozy.
homely adj. (North America) Lacking in beauty or elegance, plain in appearance, physically unattractive.
homely adj. (UK dialectal) On intimate or friendly terms with (someone); familiar; at home (with a person); intimate.
HOMERShomers n. Plural of homer.
HOMER v. to hit a home run.
HOMEYShomeys n. Plural of homey.
HOMEY n. (colloquial) a member of a youth gang, also HOMEBOY, HOMIE.
HOMIERhomier adj. Comparative form of homey: more homey.
HOMY adj. homelike, also HOMEY.
HOMIEShomies n. Plural of homie.
HOMIE n. a member of a youth gang, also HOMEY, HOMEBOY.
HOMILYhomily n. (Christianity) A sermon, especially concerning a practical matter.
homily n. A moralizing lecture.
homily n. A platitude.
HOMINGhoming v. Present participle of home.
HOMING n. the way missiles guide themselves to a target.
HOMINYhominy n. A food made from hulled corn (maize) kernels soaked in lye water, rinsed, then cooked and eaten; or…
HOMINY n. hulled, dry corn.
HOMMESHommes prop.n. Plural of Homme.
HOMME n. (French) a man.
HOMMOShommos n. Alternative spelling of hummus.
HOMMOS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HOUMUS, HUMMUS, HUMOUSES.
REHOMErehome v. (Transitive) To find a new home for (especially a pet).
rehome v. (Transitive) To find a new family for (one or more adopted children) without using official adoption agencies.
REHOME v. to home again.
RHOMBIrhombi n. Plural of rhombus.
rhombi- pref. (Geometry) Having four-sided faces.
RHOMBUS n. (Greek) a type of geometric figure, also RHOMB.
RHOMBSrhombs n. Plural of rhomb.
RHOMB n. a type of geometric figure, also RHOMBUS.
WHOMPSwhomps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whomp.
WHOMP v. to defeat decisively.
WHOMSOwhomso pron. (Obsolete) whichever person, whomever.
WHOMSO pron. the objective case of whoso.
ZHOMOSzhomos n. Plural of zhomo.
ZHOMO n. (Tibetan) the female of the zho, also DSOMO, JOMO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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