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There are 10 six-letter words containing HIG

CHIGGAchigga n. (Slang) A man of Asian ethnicity who is heavily influenced by hip-hop culture.
CHIGGA n. (offensive Australian slang) a derogatory term for a young working-class person from Hobart, Tasmania.
CHIGOEchigoe n. A small tropical flea, Tunga penetrans, whose females burrow under the skin of animals, including humans…
CHIGOE n. a small tropical flea, also CHEGOE, CHIGGER, CHIGRE.
CHIGREchigre n. Dated form of chigoe.
CHIGRE n. a small tropical flea, also CHEGOE, CHIGGER, CHIGOE.
HIGGLEhiggle v. (Archaic) To hawk or peddle provisions.
higgle v. (Archaic) To wrangle (Over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.); to haggle.
HIGGLE v. to hawk or peddle provisions.
HIGHEDhighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of high.
HIGH v. to turn to the left.
HIGHERhigher adj. Comparative form of high: more high.
higher adv. Comparative form of high: more high.
higher n. (Scotland, education) A national school-leaving examination and university entrance qualification.
HIGHLYhighly adv. In a high or esteemed manner.
highly adv. Extremely; greatly; very much.
HIGH adv. reaching far upward.
HIGHTHhighth n. Obsolete form of height.
HIGHTH n. (archaic) height, also HEIGHTH.
HIGHTShights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hight.
Hights prop.n. Plural of Hight.
HIGHT v. (archaic) to command, also HECHT, HETE.
THIGHSthighs n. Plural of thigh.
THIGH n. a part of the leg from knee to hip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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