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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing HEU

HEUCHSHEUCH n. (Scots) a crag, a steep-sided valley, also HEUGH.
HEUGHSheughs n. Plural of heugh.
HEUGH n. (Scots) a crag, a steep-sided valley, also HEUCH.
RHEUMSrheums n. Plural of rheum.
RHEUM n. a watery discharge from the nose or eyes, also RUME.
RHEUMYrheumy adj. Of, relating to, or producing rheum from the mucous membranes; watery.
RHEUMY adj. like rheum.
SHEUCHSHEUCH v. (Scots) to plant temporarily, also SHEUGH.
SHEUGHsheugh n. (Ireland, Scotland) A ditch, especially a field boundary ditch usually used to drain fields and mark their boundaries.
sheugh n. (Scotland, colloquial, Northern Irish, colloquial, especially coastal, as in Kilkeel, once the biggest…
sheugh n. (Ireland, colloquial) The Atlantic Ocean; the sea. The Irish Sea is the "little sheugh,the Atlantic…
WHEUGHwheugh interj. Dated form of whew.
WHEUGH v. to utter a sound of astonishment, also WHEW.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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