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There are 19 six-letter words containing HEI

ARCHEIarchei n. Plural of archeus.
ARCHEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHAEUS.
COHEIRcoheir n. One of several who are heirs to an estate.
COHEIR n. a joint heir.
HEIDUCheiduc n. Alternative spelling of hajduk.
HEIDUC n. (Hungarian) a brigand, a guerilla warrior, also HAIDUK, HEYDUCK.
HEIFERheifer n. A young female cow, (particularly) one over one year old but which has not calved.
heifer n. (Obsolete) A wife.
heifer n. (Informal, derogatory, obsolete) A girl or young woman.
HEIGHTheight n. The distance from the base of something to the top.
height n. The distance of something above the ground or some other chosen level.
height n. (Phonetics) A quality of vowels, indicating the vertical position of the tongue relative to the roof…
HEILEDheiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of heil.
HEIL v. (German) to salute.
HEINIEheinie n. (US, slang) The buttocks.
Heinie prop.n. (US) A diminutive form of Heinrich, or its English cognate Henry, sometimes applied to a person of (real…
Heinie n. (US, slang) A German, especially a German soldier.
HEIREDheired v. Simple past tense and past participle of heir.
HEIR v. to inherit.
HEISHIheishi n. Alternative form of heishe.
HEISHI n. (Japanese) tiny beads made from shells.
HEISTSheists n. Plural of heist.
heists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heist.
Heists prop.n. Plural of Heist.
SHEIKHsheikh n. Alternative spelling of sheik.
Sheikh prop.n. The title of a sheikh.
SHEIKH n. (Arabic) an Arab chief, also SHAIKH, SHAYKH, SHEIK.
SHEIKSsheiks n. Plural of sheik.
SHEIK n. (Arabic) an Arab chief, also SHAIKH, SHAYKH, SHEIKH.
SHEILAsheila n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) A woman.
sheila n. A shayla, a headscarf worn by Muslim women.
Sheila prop.n. A female given name from Irish.
THEICStheics n. Plural of theic.
THEIC n. one who drinks too much tea.
THEINEtheine n. (Organic chemistry) Caffeine when present in tea.
theine n. Obsolete form of thane.
THEINE n. an alkaloid found in tea, identical to caffeine, also THEIN.
THEINStheins n. Plural of thein.
Theins prop.n. Plural of Thein.
THEIN n. caffeine, also THEINE.
THEIRStheirs pron. That which belongs to them; the possessive case of they, used without a following noun.
their's pron. Misspelling of theirs.
their's cont. Misspelling of there’s.
THEISMtheism n. Belief in the existence of at least one deity.
theism n. (Strictly) Belief in the existence of a personal creator god, goddess, gods and/or goddesses present…
theism n. A morbid condition resulting from excessive consumption of tea.
THEISTtheist n. One who believes in the existence of a god or gods.
THEIST n. one who believes in the existence of a God.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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