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There are 8 six-letter words containing HEB

CHEBECchebec n. Alternative form of xebec.
chebec n. A small American bird (Empidonax minimus); the least flycatcher.
CHEBEC n. a small American bird, the least flycatcher.
EPHEBEephebe n. (Historical) A 18- to 20-year-old man in ancient Greece undergoing military training.
ephebe n. (By extension) A young man; a youth.
EPHEBE n. (Greek) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBOS, EPHEBUS.
EPHEBIephebi n. Plural of ephebe.
EPHEBUS n. (Latin) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBOS.
HEBENSHEBEN n. (obsolete) a hard wood like stone, also EBON, EBONY.
HEBONAhebona n. Alternative form of hebenon.
HEBONA n. anything with a poisonous juice, also HEBENON.
RHEBOKrhebok n. A medium-sized, deerlike South African antelope, Pelea capreolus, having pale-gray, curly fur and straight horns.
RHEBOK n. (South African) a kind of antelope, also REEBOK.
SAHEBSsahebs n. Plural of saheb.
SAHEB n. (Hindi) a term of respect in colonial India, also SAHIB.
THEBESthebes n. Plural of thebe.
Thebes prop.n. A city in central Greece, the capital city of Boeotia and an important political centre in antiquity.
Thebes prop.n. An ancient city and archaeological site in Upper Egypt, having functioned as capital city at times during…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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