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There are 7 four-letter words containing HEL

BHELbhel n. Alternative form of bael (“tree”), Aegle marmelos.
BHEL n. (Hindi) a thorny Indian tree, also BAEL.
HELDheld v. Simple past tense and past participle of hold.
HOLD v. to keep possession of.
HELEhele v. Obsolete form of heal.
hele v. (Rare, now chiefly dialectal or archaic) To hide, conceal, and keep secret, especially for a secret…
hele v. (Rare, now especially in the phrase "hele in") To cover or conceal (a seedling, plant, roots, etc).
HELLhell prop.n. (In many religions, uncountable) A place of torment where some or all sinners and evil spirits are believed…
hell n. (Countable, hyperbolic, figuratively) A place or situation of great suffering in life.
hell n. (Countable) A place for gambling.
HELMhelm n. (Nautical) The tiller (or, in a large ship, the wheel) which is used to control the rudder of a marine…
helm n. (By extension).
helm n. (Figuratively).
HELOhelo n. (Military, slang) helicopter.
HELO n. (short for) a helicopter.
HELPhelp n. (Uncountable) Action given to provide assistance; aid.
help n. Something or someone which provides assistance with a task.
help n. Documentation provided with computer software, etc. and accessed using the computer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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