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There are 20 ten-letter words containing HRU

BARATHRUMSbarathrums n. Plural of barathrum.
BARATHRUM n. (Latin) an insatiable extortioner or glutton; (historical) a pit in Athens into which condemned criminals were thrown.
HEARTHRUGShearthrugs n. Plural of hearthrug.
HEARTHRUG n. a rug spread in front of a hearth.
MEGATHRUSTmegathrust n. (Geology) A sudden large-scale slip along a fault between a subducting and an overriding plate, resulting…
MEGATHRUST adj. as in megathrust earthquake, an earthquake of exceptional destructive power.
OUTTHRUSTSoutthrusts n. Plural of outthrust.
outthrusts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outthrust.
OUTTHRUST v. to extend outwards.
OVERTHRUSToverthrust n. (Geology, transitive, intransitive) A form of thrust fault from beneath a hanging wall of rock.
overthrust v. (Geology, intransitive) Of a body of rock: to force itself over another.
overthrust adj. (Geology) Belonging to earlier strata, pushed by faulting over later and higher strata.
PYRETHRUMSpyrethrums n. Plural of pyrethrum.
PYRETHRUM n. a name still applied to various garden flowers, esp. varieties of Chrysanthemum.
SHRUBBIESTshrubbiest adj. Superlative form of shrubby: most shrubby.
SHRUBBY adj. covered with shrubs.
SHRUBLANDSshrublands n. Plural of shrubland.
SHRUBLAND n. land covered by shrubs.
SUBSHRUBBYsubshrubby adj. Being or resembling a subshrub.
SUBSHRUBBY adj. like a subshrub, a low shrub.
THRUMMIESTTHRUMMY adj. made of or like thrums, that is, ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
THRUMMINGSthrummings n. Plural of thrumming.
THRUMMING n. the act of thrumming.
THRUPPENCEthruppence n. (Britain, informal, dated) Threepence (in pre- or post-decimalisation currency).
THRUPPENNYthruppenny n. (Britain, informal, dated) threepence.
THRUPPENNY n. threepence, as in thruppenny bit, also THREEPENCE, THREEPENNY, THRUPPENCE.
THRUSHLIKEthrushlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a thrush (the bird).
thrushlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of thrush (the fungal infection).
THRUSHLIKE adj. like a thrush.
THRUSTINGSthrustings n. Plural of thrusting.
THRUSTING n. the act of thrusting.
THRUTCHINGthrutching v. Present participle of thrutch.
THRUTCH v. (dialect) to press, thrust, shove.
UNDERSHRUBundershrub n. A low-growing shrub.
UNDERSHRUB n. a shrub smaller than the usual shrub.
UNSHRUBBEDunshrubbed adj. Without shrubs.
UNSHRUBBED adj. being without shrubs, also UNSHRUBD.
UPTHRUSTEDupthrusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of upthrust.
UPTHRUST v. to thrust up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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