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There are 8 words containing GANGLIO

GANGLIONganglion n. (Neuroanatomy).
ganglion n. (Transferred sense) A centre of intellectual or industrial force, activity, etc.
ganglion n. (Pathology) A benign cystic tumour on a tendon sheath or joint capsule.
GANGLIONSganglions n. Plural of ganglion.
GANGLION n. (Greek) a group of nerve cells.
GANGLIONICganglionic adj. Of, pertaining to, or composed of ganglia.
GANGLIONIC adj. pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells.
GANGLIOSIDEganglioside n. (Biochemistry) Any of several galactocerebrosides found in the surface membranes of nerve cells.
GANGLIOSIDE n. any of a group of glycolipids that yield a hexose sugar on hydrolysis.
GANGLIONATEDganglionated adj. (Medicine) Gangliated; furnished with ganglia.
GANGLIONATED adj. having a ganglion or ganglia.
GANGLIOSIDESgangliosides n. Plural of ganglioside.
GANGLIOSIDE n. any of a group of glycolipids that yield a hexose sugar on hydrolysis.
PREGANGLIONICpreganglionic adj. (Anatomy) Describing the nerve fibres that supply a ganglion.
preganglionic n. Such a neuron.
PREGANGLIONIC adj. proximal to a ganglion.
POSTGANGLIONICpostganglionic adj. Located distal or posterior to a ganglion.
POSTGANGLIONIC adj. distal to a ganglion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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