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There are 18 words containing GREENB

GREENBUGgreenbug n. The wheat aphid (Schizaphis graminum).
GREENBUG n. a green aphid.
GREENBACKgreenback n. (US) Any bill that is legal tender in the US (originally printed with green and black ink) issued by…
greenback n. The United States dollar.
greenback n. (Historical) A unit of American currency issued during the Civil War by the Treasury Department.
GREENBELTgreenbelt n. Alternative spelling of green belt.
green␣belt n. (Urban studies) An area of agricultural land around an urban area that is protected from large-scale housing.
green␣belt n. (Martial arts, uncountable) An intermediate rank…
GREENBONEgreenbone n. Any garfish (Belone or Strongylosura).
greenbone n. The European eelpout.
greenbone n. (New Zealand) A common food fish, Odax pullus.
GREENBUGSgreenbugs n. Plural of greenbug.
GREENBUG n. a green aphid.
GREENBACKSgreenbacks n. Plural of greenback.
GREENBACK n. a monetary note issued by the US Government; generically. the US dollar.
GREENBELTSgreenbelts n. Plural of greenbelt.
green␣belts n. Plural of green belt.
GREENBELT n. a strip of open land surrounding a town.
GREENBONESgreenbones n. Plural of greenbone.
GREENBONE n. a garfish; a viviparous blenny.
GREENBRIARgreenbriar n. Alternative form of greenbrier.
GREENBRIERgreenbrier n. Any of several American prickly woody vines of the genus Smilax; the catbrier.
GREENBRIER n. any of a genus of woody or herbaceous vines of the lily family.
GREENBACKERgreenbacker n. Alternative form of Greenbacker.
Greenbacker n. (Historical, US) A member of the Greenback Party, who supported greenback or paper money, and opposed…
GREENBACKER n. a member of a post-Civil War American political party opposing reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation.
GREENBOTTLEgreenbottle n. Any of various blowflies of the genus Lucilia that are a brilliant metallic green in colour.
GREENBOTTLE n. a metallic-green fly.
GREENBRIARSgreenbriars n. Plural of greenbriar.
GREENBRIERSgreenbriers n. Plural of greenbrier.
GREENBRIER n. any of a genus of woody or herbaceous vines of the lily family.
GREENBACKERSgreenbackers n. Plural of greenbacker.
Greenbackers n. Plural of Greenbacker.
GREENBACKER n. a member of a post-Civil War American political party opposing reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation.
GREENBACKISMgreenbackism n. A movement advocating for the inflation of the US currency.
GREENBACKISM n. the advocation of a paper currency backed only by the United States government.
GREENBOTTLESgreenbottles n. Plural of greenbottle.
GREENBOTTLE n. a metallic-green fly.
GREENBACKISMSGREENBACKISM n. the advocation of a paper currency backed only by the United States government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
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