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There are 20 words containing GANISM

FREEGANISMfreeganism n. The practice of living as a freegan.
FREEGANISM n. the policy of being a freegan.
FREEGANISMSFREEGANISM n. the policy of being a freegan.
HOOLIGANISMhooliganism n. Unruly, aggressive behavior; behavior associated with hooligans.
HOOLIGANISM n. rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior.
HOOLIGANISMShooliganisms n. Plural of hooliganism.
HOOLIGANISM n. rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior.
MICROORGANISMmicroorganism n. (Microbiology) An organism that is too small to be seen by the unaided eye, especially a single-celled…
microörganism n. An alternative spelling of microorganism with a diaresis to indicate that the two O’s are separately pronounced.
micro-organism n. Alternative spelling of microorganism.
MICROORGANISMSmicroorganisms n. Plural of microorganism.
microörganisms n. Plural of microörganism.
micro-organisms n. Plural of micro-organism.
NEOPAGANISMneopaganism n. A modern or revived form of paganism; modern pagan religion.
Neopaganism n. Alternative letter-case form of neopaganism.
neo-paganism n. Alternative spelling of neopaganism.
NEOPAGANISMSNEOPAGANISM n. a revival of paganism, or its spirit.
ORGANISMorganism n. (Obsolete, rare) The fact of being organic; organicity.
organism n. Something with many separate interdependent parts, seen as being like a living thing; an organic system.
organism n. (Biology) A discrete and complete living thing, such as animal, plant, fungus or microorganism.
ORGANISMALorganismal adj. Of or relating to an organism or organisms.
ORGANISMAL adj. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMIC.
ORGANISMALLYORGANISMAL adv. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMIC.
ORGANISMICorganismic adj. Of, or relating to organicism or organisms.
ORGANISMIC adj. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMAL.
ORGANISMICALLYorganismically adv. Like an organism; in relation to an organism; at an organismic level.
ORGANISMIC adv. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMAL.
ORGANISMSorganisms n. Plural of organism.
ORGANISM n. any form of animal or plant life.
PAGANISMpaganism n. Any indigenous polytheistic religion.
paganism n. Any of a class of religions often associated with nature rituals.
PAGANISM n. an irreligious attitude.
PAGANISMSpaganisms n. Plural of paganism.
PAGANISM n. an irreligious attitude.
SUPERORGANISMsuperorganism n. (Biology) A social colony of individuals who, through division of labour, effective communication and…
super␣organism n. Alternative form of superorganism.
SUPERORGANISM n. an organized society (as of a social insect) that functions as an organic whole.
SUPERORGANISMSsuperorganisms n. Plural of superorganism.
super␣organisms n. Plural of super organism.
SUPERORGANISM n. an organized society (as of a social insect) that functions as an organic whole.
VEGANISMveganism n. A way of life which strictly avoids use of any kind of animal products and services that are based on…
VEGANISM n. the practice of eating only plant products.
VEGANISMSveganisms n. Plural of veganism.
VEGANISM n. the practice of eating only plant products.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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