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There are 7 words containing GALITA

EGALITARIANegalitarian adj. Characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people.
egalitarian n. A person who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people.
égalitarian adj. Alternative spelling of egalitarian.
EGALITARIANSegalitarians n. Plural of egalitarian.
EGALITARIAN n. a believer in egalitarianism.
INEGALITARIANinegalitarian adj. Opposing equality.
inegalitarian n. One who does not support equality; a subscriber to inegalitarianism.
inégalitarian adj. Rare spelling of inegalitarian.
EGALITARIANISMegalitarianism n. The political doctrine that holds that all people in a society should have equal rights from birth.
égalitarianism n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of egalitarianism.
EGALITARIANISM n. a belief in human equality esp. with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges.
INEGALITARIANSinegalitarians n. Plural of inegalitarian.
INEGALITARIAN n. a person who holds that people are not equal.
ANTIEGALITARIANantiegalitarian adj. (Sociology) Opposing egalitarianism.
antiegalitarian n. (Sociology) One who opposes egalitarianism.
ANTIEGALITARIAN adj. opposed to egalitarianism.
EGALITARIANISMSegalitarianisms n. Plural of egalitarianism.
EGALITARIANISM n. a belief in human equality esp. with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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