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There are 12 words containing GALIST

LEGALISTlegalist adj. Of or related to legalism, in its various senses.
legalist n. One who adheres to legalism, in its various senses.
LEGALIST n. someone inclined to legalism.
REGALISTregalist n. A proponent of regalism.
REGALIST n. one who believes in royal supremacy, esp. in church matters.
FRUGALISTfrugalist n. A person who acts frugally.
FRUGALIST n. a person who is frugal.
LEGALISTSlegalists n. Plural of legalist.
LEGALIST n. someone inclined to legalism.
REGALISTSregalists n. Plural of regalist.
REGALIST n. one who believes in royal supremacy, esp. in church matters.
FRUGALISTAfrugalista n. (Informal) A person (especially a woman) who is fashionable while being thrifty.
FRUGALISTA n. a person who tries to stay fashionably dressed on a budget.
FRUGALISTSfrugalists n. Plural of frugalist.
FRUGALIST n. a person who is frugal.
LEGALISTIClegalistic adj. Of a person, following the letter of the law.
legalistic adj. Of a person, tending to resort to the law, as one who sues frequently.
legalistic adj. Practicing or characterized by legalism.
FRUGALISTASfrugalistas n. Plural of frugalista.
FRUGALISTA n. a person who tries to stay fashionably dressed on a budget.
MADRIGALISTmadrigalist n. A composer of madrigals.
madrigalist n. A singer or interpreter of madrigals.
MADRIGALIST n. one who sings madrigals.
MADRIGALISTSmadrigalists n. Plural of madrigalist.
MADRIGALIST n. one who sings madrigals.
LEGALISTICALLYlegalistically adv. In a legalistic manner; in a manner promoting legalism.
LEGALISTIC adv. inclined to legalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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