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There are 6 words containing GSPIE

LANGSPIELlangspiel n. (Music) A traditional Icelandic or Shetlandian drone zither.
LANGSPIEL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIL.
SINGSPIELsingspiel n. (Music, uncountable) An early German form of opera consisting of spoken dialogue interspersed with song.
singspiel n. (Music, countable) An opera in this style.
SINGSPIEL n. (German) a semi-dramatic play in dialogue and song.
KRIEGSPIELkriegspiel n. A board game used to train military tactics and strategy.
kriegspiel n. A variant of chess in which the player cannot see their opponent’s pieces.
KRIEGSPIEL n. (German) a game in which miniature characters and blocks represent armies, ships, etc. as they move around on a drawing of a battlefield, used to simulate war, also KRIEGSSPIEL.
LANGSPIELSlangspiels n. Plural of langspiel.
LANGSPIEL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIL.
SINGSPIELSsingspiels n. Plural of singspiel.
SINGSPIEL n. (German) a semi-dramatic play in dialogue and song.
KRIEGSPIELSkriegspiels n. Plural of kriegspiel.
KRIEGSPIEL n. (German) a game in which miniature characters and blocks represent armies, ships, etc. as they move around on a drawing of a battlefield, used to simulate war, also KRIEGSSPIEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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