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There are 16 words containing GROWN

GROWNgrown v. Past participle of grow.
grown adj. Covered by growth; overgrown.
grown adj. (US) Of a person: adult.
GROWNUPgrownup n. Alternative form of grown-up.
grownup adj. Alternative form of grown-up.
grown-up adj. Adult, physically mature.
INGROWNingrown adj. That has grown inwards or abnormally towards (a part of the body).
INGROWN adj. grown into the flesh.
REGROWNregrown adj. That grew, was lost or destroyed, and regrew.
regrown v. Past participle of regrow.
REGROW v. to grow again.
UNGROWNungrown adj. Not grown; immature.
UNGROWN adj. not grown.
UPGROWNupgrown v. Past participle of upgrow.
UPGROW v. to grow up.
GROWNUPSgrownups n. Plural of grownup.
grown-ups n. Plural of grown-up.
grown␣ups n. Plural of grown up.
MISGROWNmisgrown v. Past participle of misgrow.
misgrown adj. Grown out of shape; misshapen.
MISGROW v. to grow abnormally.
OUTGROWNoutgrown v. Past participle of outgrow.
OUTGROW v. to grow too large for.
HOMEGROWNhomegrown adj. Grown at home.
homegrown adj. Created or constructed in an informal or amateur manner; done without formal assistance, as from a business…
homegrown adj. Raised or brought up in one’s own country.
MOSSGROWNmossgrown adj. Alternative form of moss-grown.
moss-grown adj. Having a covering of growing moss.
moss-grown adj. (Figuratively) Old; old-fashioned, out of date.
OVERGROWNovergrown adj. Having large numbers of plants which have become too big, and are hence spoiling the picturesqueness of a garden.
overgrown adj. (Attributive, mildly derogatory) Having grown bigger without developing maturity or changing character.
overgrown v. Past participle of overgrow.
INTERGROWNintergrown adj. That have grown together and through each other.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
UNDERGROWNundergrown adj. Insufficiently grown; not having grown to a normal or suitable size.
undergrown adj. (Obsolete) having pubic hair.
UNDERGROWN adj. of small stature; not grown to a full height or size.
INGROWNNESSingrownness n. The quality of being ingrown.
INGROWNNESS n. the state of being ingrown.
INGROWNNESSESINGROWNNESS n. the state of being ingrown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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