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There are 16 words containing GROWI

GROWINGgrowing v. Present participle of grow.
growing n. Growth; increase.
growing n. (Attributive) Connected with growing.
GROWINGLYgrowingly adv. To a growing or increasing degree.
GROWING adv. increasing.
GROWINGSgrowings n. Plural of growing.
GROWING n. the act of growing.
INGROWINGingrowing adj. Growing inwards or abnormally towards (a part of the body).
INGROWING adj. growing in, as e.g. a toenail.
INTERGROWINGintergrowing v. Present participle of intergrow.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
MISGROWINGmisgrowing v. Present participle of misgrow.
MISGROW v. to grow abnormally.
NONGROWINGnongrowing adj. That does not grow.
nongrowing adj. Not of or pertaining to growing.
NONGROWING adj. not growing.
OUTGROWINGoutgrowing v. Present participle of outgrow.
outgrowing n. That which grows outward; outgrowth.
OUTGROW v. to grow too large for.
OVERGROWINGovergrowing v. Present participle of overgrow.
OVERGROW v. to grow over.
REGROWINGregrowing v. Present participle of regrow.
regrowing n. (Agriculture), (ecology) self-cultivation of vegetables by city dwellers, using flower pots and windowsills…
REGROW v. to grow again.
UPGROWINGupgrowing n. The process of growth or maturation; growing up.
upgrowing v. Present participle of upgrow.
UPGROWING n. the act of upgrowing.
UPGROWINGSupgrowings n. Plural of upgrowing.
UPGROWING n. the act of upgrowing.
WINEGROWINGwinegrowing n. The cultivation of grapes for wine.
wine␣growing n. Alternative form of winegrowing.
WINEGROWING n. the growing of grapes to make wine.
WINEGROWINGSWINEGROWING n. the growing of grapes to make wine.
WOOLGROWINGwoolgrowing n. The raising of sheep for the production of wool.
WOOLGROWING n. keeping sheep for their wool.
WOOLGROWINGSWOOLGROWING n. keeping sheep for their wool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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