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There are 17 words containing GREET

GREETgreet v. (Transitive) To welcome in a friendly manner, either in person or through another means such as writing.
greet v. (Transitive) To arrive at or reach, or meet.
greet v. (Transitive) To accost; to address.
GREETEGREETE v. (Spenser) to weep.
GREETSgreets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of greet.
greets n. (Demoscene) Greetings sent to other demosceners, often included in the scrolltext of a demo.
GREET v. to address in a friendly and courteous way.
GREETEDgreeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of greet.
GREET v. to address in a friendly and courteous way.
GREETERgreeter n. A person who greets people on their arrival.
greeter n. (Tourism) A volunteer who shows tourists around their home city or region for free.
greeter n. (Dialectal or obsolete) One who weeps or mourns.
GREETESgreetes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of greete.
GREETE v. (Spenser) to weep.
REGREETregreet n. A return or exchange of salutations.
regreet v. To greet again; to return a salutation to; to greet.
REGREET v. to greet in return.
CONGREETCONGREET v. (archaic) to salute mutually.
GREETERSgreeters n. Plural of greeter.
GREETER n. one who greets another.
GREETINGgreeting n. A conventional phrase used to start a letter or conversation or otherwise to acknowledge a person’s…
greeting n. (Uncountable) The action of the verb to greet.
greeting v. Present participle of greet.
REGREETSregreets n. Plural of regreet.
REGREET v. to greet in return.
CONGREETSCONGREET v. (archaic) to salute mutually.
GREETINGSgreetings n. Plural of greeting.
greetings interj. (Sometimes formal, sometimes humorous) hello.
GREETING n. a salutation.
REGREETEDregreeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of regreet.
REGREET v. to greet in return.
CONGREETEDCONGREET v. (archaic) to salute mutually.
REGREETINGregreeting v. Present participle of regreet.
REGREET v. to greet in return.
CONGREETINGCONGREET v. (archaic) to salute mutually.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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