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There are 8 words containing GOISM

EGOISMegoism n. The tendency to think selfishly with exclusive self-interest in mind.
egoism n. (Ethics) The belief that moral behavior should be directed toward one’s self-interest only.
egoism n. (Nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) Egotism (tendency to talk excessively about oneself).
EGOISMSegoisms n. Plural of egoism.
EGOISM n. the doctrine that the pursuit of self-interest is the highest good.
JINGOISMjingoism n. (Uncountable) Excessive patriotism or aggressive nationalism, especially with regards to foreign policy.
jingoism n. (Countable) A jingoistic attitude, comment, etc.
jingoism n. (Uncountable) Chauvinism.
JINGOISMSjingoisms n. Plural of jingoism.
JINGOISM n. the policy of jingoes.
PANEGOISMpanegoism n. Solipsism.
PANEGOISM n. solipsism.
HIDALGOISMhidalgoism n. The manners or attitudes of a hidalgo.
HIDALGOISM n. the state of being a hidalgo, a Spanish nobleman of the lower class.
HIDALGOISMSHIDALGOISM n. the state of being a hidalgo, a Spanish nobleman of the lower class.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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