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There are 10 words containing GICIS

LOGICISElogicise v. Alternative form of logicize.
LOGICISE v. to reason, also LOGICIZE.
LOGICISMlogicism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that mathematics is a branch of logic in that some or all mathematics is reducible to logic.
LOGICISM n. Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
LOGICISTlogicist n. (Philosophy) An adherent of logicism.
LOGICIST n. a believer in logicism, Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
BELGICISMbelgicism n. (Politics) the political ideology which supports the political and economic union of Belgium; Belgian nationalism.
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a Dutch word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the Dutch…
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a French word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the French…
LOGICISEDlogicised v. Simple past tense and past participle of logicise.
LOGICISE v. to reason, also LOGICIZE.
LOGICISESlogicises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of logicise.
LOGICISE v. to reason, also LOGICIZE.
LOGICISMSlogicisms n. Plural of logicism.
LOGICISM n. Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
LOGICISTSlogicists n. Plural of logicist.
LOGICIST n. a believer in logicism, Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
BELGICISMSBELGICISM n. a word or expression used by Belgians when speaking French or Dutch.
LOGICISINGlogicising v. Present participle of logicise.
LOGICISE v. to reason, also LOGICIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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