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There are 15 words containing GHTWA

LIGHTWAVElightwave n. Alternative form of light wave.
light␣wave n. (Physics) An electromagnetic wave of light.
light␣wave n. (Physics, obsolete) A wave of the luminiferous ether.
NIGHTWALKERnightwalker n. (Archaic, euphemistic) A prostitute who looks for clients on the streets.
nightwalker n. (Fantasy) A vampire.
NIGHTWALKER n. a person who roams about at night esp. with criminal intent.
NIGHTWALKERSnightwalkers n. Plural of nightwalker.
NIGHTWALKER n. a person who roams about at night esp. with criminal intent.
NIGHTWARDnightward adj. Toward night.
NIGHTWARD adv. approaching night.
NIGHTWATCHMANnightwatchman n. Someone who guards a premises at night.
nightwatchman n. (Cricket) A batsman who is sent in to bat higher than his usual position near the end of a day’s play…
night-watchman n. Alternative spelling of night watchman.
NIGHTWATCHMENnightwatchmen n. Plural of nightwatchman.
night-watchmen n. Plural of night-watchman (alternative spelling of night watchmen).
night␣watchmen n. Plural of night watchman.
RIGHTWARDrightward adj. To or from the right.
rightward adv. To or from the right.
RIGHTWARD adj. toward the right.
RIGHTWARDLYrightwardly adv. In a rightward direction.
RIGHTWARD adv. toward the right.
RIGHTWARDSrightwards adv. Rightward; towards the right.
RIGHTWARDS adv. toward the right, also RIGHTWARD.
STRAIGHTWAYstraightway n. A straight section of a racetrack.
straightway adv. (Dated) Synonym of straightaway or straight away (at once, immediately).
straightway adv. (Nonstandard) Directly.
STRAIGHTWAYSstraightways n. Plural of straightway.
straightways adv. Synonym of straightway.
STRAIGHTWAYS adv. (archaic) in a direct course, also STRAIGHTWAY.
THOUGHTWAYthoughtway n. The practices and underlying assumptions dictating how the members of a given society or culture think.
THOUGHTWAY n. a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group or culture.
THOUGHTWAYSthoughtways n. Plural of thoughtway.
THOUGHTWAY n. a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group or culture.
TIGHTWADtightwad n. (Colloquial, derogatory) One who is stingy; someone overly cautious or defensive with money.
Tightwad prop.n. A village in Missouri.
TIGHTWAD n. a stingy person.
TIGHTWADStightwads n. Plural of tightwad.
TIGHTWAD n. a stingy person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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