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There are 19 words containing GARIT

ANTILOGARITHMantilogarithm n. (Mathematics) The number of which a given number is the logarithm (to a given base).
ANTILOGARITHM n. a number of which a given number is the logarithm, also ANTILOG.
ANTILOGARITHMICantilogarithmic adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to an antilogarithm.
ANTILOGARITHMIC adj. of or like an antilogarithm, a number of which a given number is the logarithm.
ANTILOGARITHMSantilogarithms n. Plural of antilogarithm.
ANTILOGARITHM n. a number of which a given number is the logarithm, also ANTILOG.
COLOGARITHMcologarithm n. (Mathematics) The logarithm of the reciprocal of a number (equal to the negative of the original logarithm).
COLOGARITHM n. the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number.
COLOGARITHMScologarithms n. Plural of cologarithm.
COLOGARITHM n. the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number.
LOGARITHMlogarithm n. (Mathematics) For a number 𝑥, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain…
LOGARITHM n. a mathematical operation used esp. before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division.
LOGARITHMIClogarithmic adj. (Mathematics) Of or relating to logarithms.
LOGARITHMIC adj. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMICAL.
LOGARITHMICALlogarithmical adj. Alternative form of logarithmic.
LOGARITHMICAL adj. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
LOGARITHMICALLYlogarithmically adv. In a logarithmic manner.
LOGARITHMICAL adv. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
LOGARITHMSlogarithms n. Plural of logarithm.
LOGARITHM n. a mathematical operation used esp. before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division.
MARGARITAmargarita n. A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavoured liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with…
Margarita prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek.
MARGARITA n. (Spanish) a cocktail of tequila, lime and lemon-juice, also MARGUERITA.
MARGARITASmargaritas n. Plural of margarita.
MARGARITA n. (Spanish) a cocktail of tequila, lime and lemon-juice, also MARGUERITA.
MARGARITEmargarite n. (Obsolete) pearl.
margarite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium-rich member of the mica group of phyllosilicates, forming white to pinkish or…
MARGARITE n. a pearl.
MARGARITESmargarites n. Plural of margarite.
MARGARITE n. a pearl.
MARGARITICmargaritic adj. (Organic chemistry) Relating to margaritic acid of its derivatives.
MARGARITIC adj. pearl-like, also MARGARIC.
MARGARITIFEROUSmargaritiferous adj. Producing pearls.
MARGARITIFEROUS adj. pearl-bearing.
SEMILOGARITHMICsemilogarithmic adj. (Mathematics, of graph paper) Having one logarithmic scale and one arithmetic/linear scale.
SEMILOGARITHMIC adj. having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic.
VULGARITIESvulgarities n. Plural of vulgarity.
VULGARITY n. the state of being vulgar.
VULGARITYvulgarity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being vulgar.
vulgarity n. (Countable) An offensive or obscene act or expression.
VULGARITY n. the state of being vulgar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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