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There are 12 words containing GANES

BUGGANESBUGGANE n. (dialect) an evil spirit, a hobgoblin, also BUGGAN, BUGGIN.
ORIGANESORIGANE n. (Spanish) wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGAN, ORIGANUM.
TSIGANEStsiganes n. Plural of tsigane.
TSIGANE n. (Hungarian) a gypsy, also TZIGANE, TZIGANY, ZIGAN.
TZIGANEStziganes n. Plural of tzigane.
TZIGANE n. (Hungarian) a gypsy, also TSIGANE, TZIGANY, ZIGAN.
MANGANESEmanganese n. (Uncountable) A metallic chemical element (symbol Mn) with an atomic number of 25, not a free element…
manganese n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
MANGANESE n. a hard grey brittle chemical element, used in steels and magnetic alloys.
OGANESSONoganesson n. The chemical element (Symbol Og) with atomic number 118. It is the heaviest known element. Highly radioactive…
OGANESSON n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
MANGANESESmanganeses n. Plural of manganese.
MANGANESE n. a hard grey brittle chemical element, used in steels and magnetic alloys.
OGANESSONSOGANESSON n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
SALANGANESsalanganes n. Plural of salangane.
SALANGANE n. (Tagalog) a swiftlet that builds edible nests.
MANGANESIANmanganesian adj. (Chemistry) manganic.
MANGANESIAN adj. like manganese.
FERROMANGANESEferromanganese n. An alloy, of iron and manganese, used in the manufacture of steel.
FERROMANGANESE n. an alloy of iron and manganese used in the manufacture of steel.
FERROMANGANESESferromanganeses n. Plural of ferromanganese.
FERROMANGANESE n. an alloy of iron and manganese used in the manufacture of steel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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