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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing GESTI

DIGESTIFSdigestifs n. Plural of digestif.
DIGESTIF n. an alcoholic drink taken after a meal.
DIGESTINGdigesting v. Present participle of digest.
DIGEST v. to assimilate food in the stomach, also DISGEST.
DIGESTIONdigestion n. The process, in the gastrointestinal tract, by which food is converted into substances that can be utilized…
digestion n. The result of this process.
digestion n. The ability to use this process.
DIGESTIVEdigestive adj. Of, relating to, or functioning in digestion.
digestive adj. That causes or promotes digestion.
digestive n. A substance that aids digestion.
EGESTIONSegestions n. Plural of egestion.
EGESTION n. the process of excretion from the body.
INGESTINGingesting v. Present participle of ingest.
INGEST v. to take into the body.
INGESTIONingestion n. The action of ingesting, or consuming something orally, whether it be food, drink, medicine, or other…
ingestion n. (By extension) The act of ingesting something into a jet engine.
INGESTION n. the act of taking e.g. food into the body.
INGESTIVEingestive adj. Of or pertaining to ingestion.
INGESTIVE adj. relating to ingestion, the act of taking e.g. food into the body.
PROGESTINprogestin n. (Chemistry) A synthetic progestagen intended to mimic the effects of progesterone, often for contraceptive purposes.
PROGESTIN n. a hormone concerned with changes before pregnancy.
REGESTINGregesting v. Present participle of regest.
REGEST v. (Milton) to register, record.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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