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There are 18 eight-letter words containing GGLIN

BOGGLINGboggling v. Present participle of boggle.
BOGGLE v. to baffle, overwhelm mentally.
COGGLINGcoggling v. Present participle of coggle.
COGGLE v. to wobble.
DAGGLINGdaggling v. Present participle of daggle.
DAGGLE v. to drag in mud.
GAGGLINGgaggling v. Present participle of gaggle.
gaggling n. The cackling sound of a goose.
GAGGLING n. making a cackling sound.
GIGGLINGgiggling v. Present participle of giggle.
giggling n. The act of producing giggles; high-pitched laughter.
GIGGLING n. the act of laughing in a silly manner.
GOGGLINGgoggling v. Present participle of goggle.
goggling n. A stare of curiosity or amazement.
GOGGLING n. the act of staring with wide eyes.
GUGGLINGguggling v. Present participle of guggle.
guggling n. A glugging or gurgling sound.
GUGGLE v. to gurgle.
HAGGLINGhaggling v. Present participle of haggle.
haggling n. The act of one who haggles.
HAGGLING n. the act of arguing about price.
HIGGLINGhiggling v. Present participle of higgle.
higgling n. Haggling.
HIGGLING n. hawking provisions.
JIGGLINGjiggling v. Present participle of jiggle.
jiggling n. A motion that jiggles.
JIGGLE v. to shake from side to side.
JOGGLINGjoggling v. Present participle of joggle.
joggling n. The act by which something is joggled, or shaken up and down.
joggling n. The act of juggling while jogging.
JUGGLINGjuggling v. Present participle of juggle.
juggling n. The art of moving objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc. in an artful or artistic manner.
juggling n. An act or instance of juggling; a reshuffle.
NIGGLINGniggling v. Present participle of niggle.
niggling adj. Petty.
niggling adj. Irritating.
PUGGLINGpuggling v. Present participle of puggle.
PUGGLE v. to cause to become exhausted.
RAGGLINGraggling v. Present participle of raggle.
RAGGLE v. to cut a groove in masonry.
TOGGLINGtoggling v. Present participle of toggle.
TOGGLE v. to fasten with a type of short rod.
WAGGLINGwaggling v. Present participle of waggle.
waggling n. The act of something being waggled.
WAGGLE v. to wag, move from side to side.
WIGGLINGwiggling v. Present participle of wiggle.
wiggling n. The motion of something that wiggles.
WIGGLE v. to move with short, quick movements from side to side.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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