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There are 18 words containing GISL

LEGISLATElegislate v. To pass laws (including the amending or repeal of existing laws).
LEGISLATE v. to make laws; to pass law in the form of an Act of Parliament or by delegated legislation.
LEGISLATEDlegislated v. Simple past tense and past participle of legislate.
legislated adj. Created through legislation.
LEGISLATE v. to make laws; to pass law in the form of an Act of Parliament or by delegated legislation.
LEGISLATESlegislates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of legislate.
LEGISLATE v. to make laws; to pass law in the form of an Act of Parliament or by delegated legislation.
LEGISLATINGlegislating v. Present participle of legislate.
LEGISLATE v. to make laws; to pass law in the form of an Act of Parliament or by delegated legislation.
LEGISLATIONlegislation n. The act of legislating; preparation and enactment of laws.
legislation n. Law which has been enacted by legislature or other governing body.
LEGISLATION n. the action of legislating.
LEGISLATIONSlegislations n. Plural of legislation (multiple acts of legislation).
LEGISLATION n. the action of legislating.
LEGISLATIVElegislative adj. Making, or having the power to make, a law or laws; lawmaking.
legislative n. That branch of government which is responsible for making, or having the power to make, a law or laws.
LEGISLATIVE adj. relating to legislation.
LEGISLATIVELYlegislatively adv. By legislation, by the method of enacting laws.
LEGISLATIVE adv. relating to legislation.
LEGISLATIVESlegislatives n. Plural of legislative.
LEGISLATIVE n. the body or department exercising the power and function of legislating.
LEGISLATORlegislator n. Someone who creates or enacts laws.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LEGISLATORIALlegislatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a legislator or legislature.
LEGISLATORIAL adj. of or like a legislator.
LEGISLATORSlegislators n. Plural of legislator.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LEGISLATORSHIPlegislatorship n. The office or position of a legislator.
LEGISLATORSHIP n. the office of legislator.
LEGISLATORSHIPSlegislatorships n. Plural of legislatorship.
LEGISLATORSHIP n. the office of legislator.
LEGISLATRESSlegislatress n. (Rare) A female legislator.
LEGISLATRESS n. a female legislator.
LEGISLATRESSESlegislatresses n. Plural of legislatress.
LEGISLATRESS n. a female legislator.
LEGISLATURElegislature n. A governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws.
legislature n. (Canada) A legislative building.
LEGISLATURE n. a body of persons having the power to legislate.
LEGISLATURESlegislatures n. Plural of legislature.
LEGISLATURE n. a body of persons having the power to legislate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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