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There are 14 words containing GGLY

COGGLYcoggly adj. Shaky; unsteady.
COGGLY adj. shaky.
GIGGLYgiggly adj. Prone to giggling.
GIGGLY adj. tending to giggle.
GOGGLYgoggly adj. Resembling goggles, used mostly in relation to eyes.
GOGGLY adj. wide-eyed.
JIGGLYjiggly adj. That jiggles.
JIGGLY adj. given to jiggling.
NIGGLYniggly adj. Bad-tempered, especially about trivial details.
niggly adj. Trivial, insignificant.
niggly adj. Pernickety, paying too much attention to small details.
WAGGLYwaggly adj. Frequently waggling.
WAGGLY adj. waggling.
WIGGLYwiggly adj. Constantly moving, especially with small, undirected movements.
wiggly adj. (Of a line) Made up of many curves.
WIGGLY adj. tending to wiggle.
SHOGGLYshoggly adj. (Obsolete, UK, Scotland, dialect) shaky.
SHOGGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOOGLY.
SNUGGLYsnuggly adj. (Informal) Cuddly; pleasant to snuggle with.
snuggly adj. (Informal) Fond of snuggling.
snuggly adv. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of snugly.
WRIGGLYwriggly adj. (Informal) That wriggles.
WRIGGLY adj. wriggling.
SCRAGGLYscraggly adj. Rough, scruffy, or unkempt.
scraggly adj. Jagged or uneven; scraggy.
SCRAGGLY adj. irregular or ragged in growth or form.
SCRIGGLYscriggly adj. Wiggly; wavy.
SCRIGGLY adj. wriggly.
SQUIGGLYsquiggly adj. (Informal) Not straight; wavy and irregular.
squiggly n. (Computing, informal) A wavy underline used to indicate an error in text or source code.
SQUIGGLY adj. like squiggles, wriggly.
STRAGGLYstraggly adj. Spread around in a chaotic and disorganized manner.
straggly adj. Not arranged in a line.
STRAGGLY adj. irregularly spread out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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