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There are 17 words containing GEIS

AGEISMageism n. The treating of a person or people, especially youth or seniors, differently from others based on assumptions…
ageism n. Bias against older adults (typically those in their sixties or older, but other times even younger if…
AGEISM n. discrimination based on age, also AGISM.
AGEISMSageisms n. Plural of ageism.
AGEISM n. discrimination based on age, also AGISM.
AGEISTageist adj. Unfairly discriminatory against someone based on their age.
ageist n. A person who behaves in an ageist manner.
AGEIST n. an advocate of ageisms.
AGEISTSageists n. Plural of ageist.
AGEIST n. an advocate of ageisms.
GEISHAgeisha n. A Japanese female entertainer skilled in various arts such as tea ceremony, dancing, singing and calligraphy.
GEISHA n. (Japanese) a Japanese girl trained to entertain.
GEISHASgeishas n. Plural of geisha.
GEISHA n. (Japanese) a Japanese girl trained to entertain.
GEISTgeist n. Ghost, apparition.
geist n. Spirit (of a group, age, era, etc).
Geist prop.n. A surname from German.
GEISTSgeists n. Plural of geist.
Geists prop.n. Plural of Geist.
GEIST n. (German) spirit; intellectual inclination.
HYGEISThygeist n. One skilled in hygiene; a hygienist.
HYGEIST n. one skilled in hygiene, also HYGIEIST, HYGIENIST.
HYGEISTShygeists n. Plural of hygeist.
HYGEIST n. one skilled in hygiene, also HYGIEIST, HYGIENIST.
POLTERGEISTpoltergeist n. (Parapsychology) An unseen ghost which makes noises and causes disruption, especially by causing physical…
Poltergeist prop.n. (Planets) A planet in Lich star system, Milky Way Galaxy, Virgo constellation; One of the pair of planets…
POLTERGEIST n. (German) a spirit believed to manifest itself by making noises and moving physical objects.
POLTERGEISTSpoltergeists n. Plural of poltergeist.
POLTERGEIST n. (German) a spirit believed to manifest itself by making noises and moving physical objects.
ZEITGEISTzeitgeist n. The spirit of the age; the taste, outlook, and spirit characteristic of a period.
Zeitgeist n. Alternative letter-case form of zeitgeist.
ZEITGEIST n. (German) the general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.
ZEITGEISTIERzeitgeistier adj. Comparative form of zeitgeisty: more zeitgeisty.
ZEITGEISTY adj. of, relating to, or typical of the zeitgeist.
ZEITGEISTIESTzeitgeistiest adj. Superlative form of zeitgeisty: most zeitgeisty — trendiest, most modern, most contemporary.
ZEITGEISTY adj. of, relating to, or typical of the zeitgeist.
ZEITGEISTSzeitgeists n. Plural of zeitgeist.
Zeitgeists n. Plural of Zeitgeist.
ZEITGEIST n. (German) the general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.
ZEITGEISTYzeitgeisty adj. (Informal) Conforming to the zeitgeist.
ZEITGEISTY adj. of, relating to, or typical of the zeitgeist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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